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An account of the upset as Angelo Leo stunned Luis Alberto Lopez

ANGELO LEO is not known as one of the great boxers but last weekend his 10th round victory over Luis Alberto Lopez will go down as one of the boxers of 2024. Eric Armit looks back at the entire round of the fight and how it got there. its end.

Round 1

Leo was punching deftly in a reverse position stabbing his coat around Lopez who was looking to cross the ring to work the body. Lopez connected with some hard hooks and a right to the head.

Score: 10-9 Lopez

Round 2

Lopez was marching forward behind his jab and landing hooks to the body. Leo turned into a bully firing some good body shots but missed. Leo let his hands descend on his head and body in a series of fists. He continued to force Lopez back and body shots and the difference in hand speed was evident

Score: 10-9 Leo ` TIED 19-19

Round 3

Leo used heavy footwork to get around Lopez and land quick punches through the champion’s guard. Lopez was trying to cut off the ring but Leo was just too fast. Lopez was able to connect with some solid hooks. Leo hit him with jabs but again Lopez grabbed the clubbing hooks.

Score: 10-9 Lopez Lopez 29-28

Round 4

Leo drove Lopez into the ropes and hit home punches to the head and body. He was looking to bring the fight inside and he was taking Lopez out. Leo backs off and tags in and takes the fight from Lopez into the ropes and body hook. He was constantly crowding Lopez and shutting down his attacking attempts. He was taking out and taking out Lopez.

Score: 10-9 Leo TIED 38-38

Round 5

Leo drove forward with Lopez meeting him with left and right hook counters. Leo was still coming but Lopez was scoring goals without Leo really working inside. Lots of pressure from Leo but he gets caught with a sharp uppercut and a right to the head.

Score: 10-9 Lopez Lopez 48-47

Round 6

Lopez came out swinging quickly and putting Leo on the back foot. He was going after Leo on the ropes shooting hooks but missing a lot. Leo recovered but was still caught with hooks and rights to the head. He came inside but was just throwing punches without accuracy until a right backfired Lopez. Leo punched his way forward but when Lopez dodged Leo fell to the canvas (no punch so it didn’t count).

Score: 10-9 Lopez Lopez 58-56

Round 7

Leo was on his toes peppering Lopez with jabs and firing fast rights home. A punch from Leo lands and as Lopez backs away in grunts Leo comes forward and fires straight shots. Leo was on his toes and continued with jabs and sending Lopez on the back foot. A frustrated Lopez was swinging in haste and leaving himself open for counters but landed a solid uppercut. Leo had a growing swelling under his right eye.

Score: 10-9 Leo Lopez 67-66

Round 8

They go toe-to-toe at the start of this round exchanging hooks and uppercuts. Leo was throwing his punches out and then moving in to deny Lopez any room for his punches. Once again they stood and exchanged punches with Leo’s accuracy giving him the edge. Lopez looked tired.

Score: 10-9 Leo TIED 76-76

Round 9

A series of jabs from Leo had Lopez backing up and he kept hitting him with jabs before sending Lopez reeling with a right to the head. The pace had slowed and Leo was making a mess and hitting most of the points inside and then he got two points that hit the head. Leo decided he had done enough to win the round so he danced around Lopez avoiding contact.

Score: 10-9 Leo Leo 86-85

Round 10

They brawled at the start of the round firing shots on the inside and suddenly Leo unleashed a left hook that sent Lopez crashing to the canvas on his back and he was counted out. Leo was leading by two judges’ cards, 86-85, and one judge was leading Lopez, 86-85, when the match was stopped. There is great joy for Leo as he wins the title in front of the home fans. Former WBO super-bantamweight champion Leo has won five straight since losing the WBO belt to Stephen Fulton in 2021. Lopez was defending the IBF title for the fourth time and he is facing his case which I found in the middle of this category.

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