Are you stuck with a tricky 100 yard bunker shot? Use these changes

These 100-yard bunker shots can be tricky, so here’s how to navigate them without getting distracted.
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Most novice golfers struggle with bunker shots, but greenside bunkers aren’t the only holes that offer players a fairway. Fairway bunkers can also throw a wrench into your game.
For those who find it difficult to get out of fairway bunkers, GOLF 100 Top Instructor Brian Mogg has some tips for avoiding them.
The next time you get your ball in the bunker and you’re about 100 yards from the putt, use Mogg’s tips below to your advantage. By making just a few changes, you’ll save yourself a lot of heartache and frustration.
Do this to navigate the 100 yard bunker shots
Mogg admits that the 100-yard bunker shot is an unassailable game for many golfers, presenting all kinds of problems for those unlucky enough to land on one.
“You don’t want to leave yourself with this [type of in-between shot]but if you do, there are a few things [to do] here,” he said.
First, Mogg suggests taking one more club than you normally would. So if you’re comfortable hitting a gap wedge from 100 yards, give yourself a little extra edge by going with a pitching wedge for this shot.
Next, squeeze the grip “about a full inch,” according to Mogg, because the key to hitting this shot 100 yards is simply hitting it hard. If you pick up too much sand, you risk the ball sitting in the sand. If you end up chipping the ball, you may not get out either, as the ball may hit the lip and return to the sand.
Mogg says to center the ball in your center with your weight on your front side. Avoid digging with your feet. You must keep the weight on that lead foot through your swing, and avoid any temptation to lean back and try to lift the ball off the ground.
Finally, Mogg suggests keeping your swing “quiet” from your belly button down, letting your arms swing and hips rotate outward. the lowest torsion of the body. Trust that you’ve chosen the right club and have the right setup, and resist the temptation to overswing.
The result should be a smooth, solid swing that emphasizes contact over trajectory – and ensures that your ball exits the bunker cleanly.
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