How to hit a ‘vanilla’ pitch shot around the green

If you want to build a solid foundation of shots around the green, you’ll need to stick to a “vanilla” pitch shot.
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The “vanilla” pitch shot, as I call it, is a great place to start when trying to build your foundation for all kinds of shots around the green. A basic mid-trajectory pitch that comes out with a lot of rotation yet still provides a solid amount of margin for error.
How do you beat it? Hold your 56- or 60-degree wedge and set with a very straight shaft, the ball slightly forward of center. Your clubface can be squared to open a little.
As you start back up, focus on turning your body – there’s no need for any hip, leg or hand movement. As you come in for impact, continue the torso-turn theme. You should feel as if your shirt buttons are in the right direction as you stand tall in your follow through.
A final note: Try to brush the grass just behind the ball. This will help produce a good trajectory for the plane with a certain spin.
Parker McLachlin is a teacher to watch. You can read more from him at
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