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My partner forgot to tell me that he moved my ball. What now?

What are the rules about a playing partner who marks and moves your ball and forgets to tell you?

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The Rules of Golf are tricky! Thank you, we have a guru. Our Rules Guy knows the book front to back. Have a question? You have all the answers.

I played a blind shot from the fairway into the green, then hit the sand. Finally, I got to my ball, missed the resulting putt and went in. Walking off the green, I saw a missing ball marker. It turns out that one of my teammates forgot to tell me that he marked my ball and moved it off his line. Should I have been allowed to replace my ball in the correct position and play again from there? And, what are the penalties and, if so, to whom? —Terry Christensen, via email

In stroke play, the other player is the outside influence, and there is no penalty to anyone if the ball is moved. File it under: Things happen.

Since you had no knowledge or apparent certainty that an outside influence had moved your ball—see Rule 9.2b(2) if you are inclined—you made a good drive, misplaced, and the ball is holed. No more, no replays, no nada.

For a marking guide from our guru, read on…

golfers wear green

Rules Guy: Are players required to mark their green balls when asked?


Rules Guy

I was called for hooking my ball and putt after lifting the ball marker and was told that if I was caught doing that again I would be penalized. However according to Law Clarification 14.2c/1, the ball may be aligned in any direction as long as the vertical distance to the ground remains the same. I don’t see any indication that a ball marker is required when lining up a putt. Can you clarify? —Mark O’Neill, Kildare, Ireland

It’s sad that you were called correctly. Never mind that “straight down distance” is a head scratcher, even for the Rules Guy.

The clarification is a misnomer — it has nothing to do with why you’re getting fined. You broke the rules by “lifting,” which includes swinging, without first marking your ball. Correct: Spinning the ball is considered lifting under Rule 14.1, and you only get the right to lift the ball on the putting green after marking it first.

Therefore, if you roll the ball when it is not marked, you get one penalty. Overall: Comment it, Mark!

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