This updated alignment strategy will dial right in to your goal

Todd Casabella, Golf Teacher to Watch, Nick Dimengo
October 25, 2024
Are you struggling with purpose? Throw away the old way of finding your alignment and start trying this trick.
Photo by Todd Casabella
Are you one of those golfers who find themselves struggling with aim and alignment on many shots? If so, you’re not alone, as this can be one of the trickiest things to handle as you work to lower the score.
But you can’t hit it near the pin if, you know, you don’t aim for the pin, so it’s time to improve your alignment to hit the shot you envision in your head.
This lesson hack will improve your focus and alignment, says a senior teacher
Nick Dimengo
For example, I can’t tell you how many times I hit a great shot from the clubhouse, only to watch it go straight into the bunker because I was misdirected. Talk about a major buzzkill, right? It diminishes each time it happens, and it simply destroys any hope of getting a low score on that hole.
While there are many different ways to try and dial in your aim and alignment, GOLF teacher to watch Todd Casabella shares a new way to do it – so take a look below and see if Casabella’s trick can help you hit a shot closer to the real target.
Try this simple trick to score the perfect goal
According to Casabella, how you align yourself with the target is always a “personal thing,” with golfers using all kinds of different techniques to get comfortable before hitting the shot.
He then lists a few popular ways golfers do this.

Photo by Todd Casabella
“Many golfers know the strategy of picking a spot in front of the ball, about a foot or two from the target line, and then the line that builds up is used to position them in line with the target line,” explains Casabella. “Even though most people have heard this, most of them are still struggling.”
So why is aiming and alignment difficult for many players? Casabella says there are two main culprits.
“The line is not perfect, and the line is in the front part of the body,” he adds. “I say it’s not perfect because we start behind the ball and fix it first with the back foot, assuming it’s in the right place on the target line.”
Instead of sticking to the same old routine that continues to produce negative results, Casabella encourages golfers to try a more holistic approach – one that includes finding a spot. behind the ball and (seen in the image below).

Photo by Todd Casabella
“I think the traditional process is not perfect,” he argues. “I still want you to choose the position in front of the ball, but I also want you to choose behind the ball. This will make it much easier to set the rear foot in a consistent manner.”
Casabella then explains what this new practice should look like, which will help dial in your golf goal.
“First of all, identify the target, then choose the area in front of the ball again behind the ball that matches the target and the ball,” he said. “Now step into the hole and put the club behind the ball, pointing directly at the spot in front of it. Then place your back foot towards the line created by the ball and the area behind it.
“Finally, place your front foot in a direction towards the line created by the ball and the area in front of it. If you need to go farther or closer to the ball, relax, but make sure you move both feet equally.”

Photo by Todd Casabella
“With a consistent left alignment, your ability to hit solid golf shots will increase,” explains Casabella. “You’ll also start to get real feedback on the golf course from any mishits, because you’ll be able to take the mishits out of the equation.”

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Nick Dimengo Editor
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