Notícias sobre golfe

WATCH: Golf ball miraculously lands on fairway

You have to be lucky to put the ball on a basking alligator – but that’s exactly the fate that befell this golfer.

Honestly, we wouldn’t suggest trying to play this one as it lies.

Don’t go hunting for the ball either – it’s probably best to put that ball out.

Maybe just pretend to hit it in the water to satisfy yourself.

How do you handle animals that interfere with your ball?

In the event that an animal pushes your ball during the round, what should you do?

The good thing is that the athlete or the animal will not face penalties because the laws that affect this issue are specific. There are a few quirks, though.

If an animal decides to interfere with your ball while it is standing on the fairway, you follow Rule 9.6 and return the ball to its rightful place (moving the ball yourself will result in a penalty).

If your ball moves when it meets an animal, the rules are slightly different. You simply play the ball as it lies in this position, following the instructions in Rule 11.1.

Another, if very rare, possibility is that your ball may land on or collide with an animal and come to rest against it.

In the event that this happens and your ball finds itself resting on the tail of a mongoose or within the jaws of a Florida gator, Rule 11.1.b provides free relief. Either drop the real (or replacement) ball one club length from the original spot, but not near the hole, or place the real (or replacement) ball in the closest spot to where it landed on the animal.

If an animal is nearby and your ball is lying on top of it, and the animal has large jaws or venomous teeth, you still have a right to freedom under the law.

You should have all the knowledge needed to deal with animals on the golf course at this point.

But remember that these guidelines do not protect you personally; they simply protect your score.

Because of that, be aware of the animals on the courses you play, and resist the temptation to touch a gator or mongoose.

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