Basketball News

Derrick Rose has asked the Grizzlies to release him from his contract

Does Memphis Grizzlies star Ja Morant and his court game remind him of his former Bulls and Knicks teammate, Derrick Rose? “I think so,” he said. “I can see it. I see a lot of similarities. They are definitely a hood favorite. That’s right. I think there is a similarity in their explosion. Physically I think D-Rose is a bit explosive. There is definitely a difference in their game.” Noah also speculated that current NBA players remind him of his style of play in his day. “I don’t think there is another Joakim,” he said. “Everyone is different. You have some similarities. But, maybe Draymond. I would say. Draymond will be the closest. I think he can shoot it better. But I think the way he leads, the way he passes the ball, the intensity I see him play with, I think all of this is the same.” -via / September 6, 2024

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