Is it legal to use a Stimpmeter to measure green speed before playing?

What are the rules for using a Stimpmeter to measure green speed before playing?
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The Rules of Golf are tricky! Thank you, we have a guru. Our Rules Guy knows the book from front to back. Have a question? You have all the answers.
I’m the type of guy who likes to know what I’m getting into before I play. Can I use the Stimpmeter to check the speed of the greens on the day of the competition? —Douglas Wilson, Blairgowrie, Scotland
Well, Douglas, at least in stroke play – Rule 5.2 prohibits rolling the ball over any putting green on the course before the stroke play round.
If you were to do this on more than one putting green, you would be disqualified.
However, in match play, early practice on the course is allowed. All that said, if we’re talking about Scotland, green speeds will be in the single digits, we promise. Give those putts a good rap!
For a green study guide from our guru, read on…
Our club has concert books that read in green, but the print is so small that I can’t make out the details. I took a photo of each page with my cell phone so I could zoom in to see the surrounding areas. A competitor called me, citing the ban on electronics in tournament play. I said it was put together before. Who was right in this bombing? — Scott Kulla, via email
In all caps, bold face, big type: YOU! A player can access or review any material previously printed or created prior to a round. There is no problem accessing that information on your iPhone.
However, it is not always wise to reach for that smartphone. Calling a friend for advice or learning to analyze the strokes made during the cycle, as examples, can be operator errors and get you into hot water, Law-wise … and putting the phone on a bed of dry rice won’t fix it.
Need help getting rid of vegetables in your home study? Pick up a custom Green Book from Golf Logix.
Have a question about the Rules? Ask the Rules Guy! Send your questions, confusion and comments to We promise he won’t throw a letter at you.
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