Released? Research shows that 88% think golf is too expensive

A new study has revealed that 88% of golfers think the game is too expensive.
The survey left no doubt that enthusiasm for the game is high – some Q&A responses indicate it’s pleasantly high – but so are concerns about the cost of the game.
The study was conducted by Golfbidder who asked customers about their golf habits and how they view the game.
In the survey responses they found that 78% said they played an average of one or two rounds of golf a week but when asked how often they would like to play, 70% said they would like to play three to five times a week and another 12% wanted to be off the course playing six or seven days per week.
For all this love, however, there was a real concern that prices were forcing too many out of the sport – even if they had the power to do so.
Less than 88% of respondents think golf is too expensive.
Just over half (53%) say they have been forced to drop out, or are on the verge of dropping out.
And over two-thirds of those surveyed (67%) admitted they would consider canceling their golf membership or cutting back on golf trips to save money.
Beyond those bad vibes the survey found a lot of good news.
Golf appears to be quickly addictive, for example, with 67% of respondents saying they caught the golf bug within a month of playing for the first time – and half of those within a week.
Then it got really fun.
A lie is preferred
Just under 34% of respondents admitted to lying about where they were to play golf and more than half (52%) admitted that playing golf had resulted in them missing, or being late on purpose, due to family obligations. .
The same number (54%) said a golf holiday was their preferred type of holiday and half of those surveyed agreed they would prefer a golf holiday to a non-golf or family holiday.
Golfbidder is Europe’s largest platform for buying, selling and selling used golf clubs and Business Development Manager Thomas Tanner said: “It’s clear that golfers love the game, and most of them want to get out at least on their local courses. 3-5 days a week – and in some cases, every day.
“Catching the bug is real, with two-thirds of people taking up sports within a month and some even preparing to miss family time to pursue their hobby.
“Having said that, we found a fundamental concern that the sport is too expensive to maintain and it’s a shame that many respondents were unwilling to cancel their golf memberships or cut back on golf trips if they have such a passion. sports.”
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