The winner of the tour shared a good effort to learn the right weight change

Increasing the power in your drives starts with the right weight shift.
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Golf instruction is always changing, but the best advice is timeless. In’s new series, Timeless Tips, we highlight the greatest pieces of advice from teachers and players in the pages of GOLF Magazine. Today we’re looking back at our July 1988 issue where Peter Jacobsen shared a great plan for changing your weight by shooting tees. For unlimited access to GOLF Magazine’s digital archive, join Inside GOLF today; you’ll enjoy $140 worth for just $39.99 per year.
Getting the most out of your drives requires you to use your body properly. Part of that equation comes in the form of weight change.
If you watch the pros hit their balls, you will see that they always finish on their leading edge. If you want to hit the ball like them, you’d be wise to copy these moves – and it all starts with changing the right weight.
Back in 1988, GOLD Magazine highlighted this step as Peter Jacobsen showed us the correct weight shift drill. Over 30 years later and the drill can still do wonders for your game. Check it out below.
Peter Jacobsen’s weight-shift drill
If you hit weak “popcorn” drives, the problem could be your weight. I’m not suggesting you diet but you’re not making the right changes to move your full body weight – and, therefore, your energy – into the shot.
To understand the importance and role of my weight shift, think about how you throw a ball. You shift your weight the same way as your arm – on the back foot as you swing your arm back, on the front foot as you swing the arm forward and release the ball, pushing off the back foot for power. A similar weight shift should occur in the golf game.
Athletes who do not use their weight properly make one mistake out of two. First, they perform a reverse shift, shifting weight to the front foot (left foot for right-handed players) as they swing the club back, then to the back foot as they backswing. Either way, they shift the weight correctly in the backswing but never move it forward on the downswing. Either way, when they come to follow through, they back off, away from the target. And that’s the way their energy goes – away from the target – which leads to a weak turn, that’s all.
If these are your symptoms, help is available. Hit the ball on the practice range and swing it with your driver. As you move through the follow through, step forward with the right foot, bringing it to the left as if starting to walk down the fairway. Working this move into your swing will help you shift your weight correctly, and it’s been suggested by experts like Gary Player and training expert Peter Beames.
Taking a big step
At address, distribute your weight evenly between your feet and the balls and heels of your feet. Spread yourself about shoulder width apart and bend your knees slightly until you feel balanced.
When you step back, your weight should flow to the right so that up to about 90 percent rests on the inside of the right foot. If not, and you feel yourself falling forward in the backswing, redistribute your weight more to the right at address, and make sure your knees bend.

GOLD Magazine
Slide down from the top without thinking about shifting weight, then step forward with the right foot on the follow through. Action actually has little to do with shooting; the ball is gone by the time you pick it up. But thinking about the next step will encourage the right weight shift: You can’t move your right leg without shifting your weight to the left when you go down.
Continue to alternate the practice of the right foot stepping on the left until you get used to the feeling. Then try swinging without taking action. The switch may still be there, maybe not. If not, there’s nothing wrong with stepping into your normal swing.
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